• Meet Our Members

  • Why is meeting our members so important?  Inspired from our "Shop Locally" campaign, meeting our members lets you learn about the people BEHIND the business.

    Studies tell us that you are more likely to do business with someone that you KNOW and LIKE. Imagine that you need a particular item; you know you can get that item at a "face-less" business in the next town over, or you can get it from someone you KNOW in Grand Prairie.  The choice is obvious.  You will want to purchase from the individual you know, locally! 

    Why is shopping locally so important? Here are just a few reasons:

    • More of your money will be kept in your local economy: For every $100 you spend at locally owned businesses, $68 will stay in the community.
    • You create local jobs: Local businesses are better at creating higher-paying jobs for your neighbors.
    • You nurture community: Local business owners know you, and you know them. 
    • You conserve your tax dollars:  Spending locally instead of online ensures that your sales taxes are reinvested where they belong— in your community in ways like programs,beautification, jobs and more!







    Hear a little more about the Meet our Members concept in the video from our CEO, explaining the vision of this program to our members! Click here to take a peek!

    Interested in introducing your company to the community?  Contact our president, Michelle Madden at Michelle@GrandPrairieChamber.org and watch a sample video here to get an idea of the format.

    We plan to add these video snippets to our Chamber YouTube channel, post the links here and on our social media.

    Help us introduce you and your business to the community!

  • See Us In Action!

    View our video library here!

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    View our photo gallery here!

  • Members' Events

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