Ribbon Cutting | Corte de Listón - Black Sheep Coffee (formerly Starbucks)

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Name: Ribbon Cutting | Corte de Listón - Black Sheep Coffee (formerly Starbucks)
Date: April 8, 2025
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Join us in welcoming Black Sheep Coffee (formerly Starbucks) and its owner Stephen Calderón as our new member of the Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce. This is the go-to place for coffee lovers.
Acompáñanos en darle la bienvenida a Black Sheep Coffee (antes Starbucks) y a su dueño Stephen Calderón como nuevo socio de la Cámara de Comercio de Grand Prairie. Es el lugar de encuentro para todos los amantes del café.
Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce
Cámara de Comercio de Grand Prairie
900 Conover Dr.
Grand Prairie 75051
Date/Time Information:
Tuesday April 8
Martes 8 de abril
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Contact Information:
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Printed courtesy of www.grandprairiechamber.org/ – Contact the Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce for more information.
900 Conover Drive, Grand Prairie, TX 75051 – (972) 264-1558 – info@grandprairiechamber.org