Ribbon Cutting | Corte de Listón - A Tempo Music Institute

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Name: Ribbon Cutting | Corte de Listón - A Tempo Music Institute
Date: August 13, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
Event Description:
Join us in welcoming A Tempo Music Institute and its owner Pedro Tirado as our new member of the Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce. A Tempo Music Institute teaches children and adults the art of mastering our voice and musical instruments. 
Acompáñanos en darle la bienvenida a A Tempo Music Institute y a su dueño Pedro Tirado como nuevo socio de la Cámara de Comercio de Grand Prairie. A Tempo Music Institute enseña el arte de dominar el canto e instrumentos musicales.
A Tempo Music Institute
2100 N Hwy. 360 | Ste. 2100B
Grand Prairie 75050
Date/Time Information:
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Contact Information:
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Printed courtesy of www.grandprairiechamber.org/ – Contact the Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce for more information.
900 Conover Drive, Grand Prairie, TX 75051 – (972) 264-1558 – info@grandprairiechamber.org